
IAI Stadium NihondairaAdd: Muramatsu 3880-1 Shimizu-ku Shizuoka-shi Shizuoka-ken Japan,〒424-0926


Stadium Bus

map map

Important Notes:
・Shizutetsu Bus Company employees will ask you as you queue up to board the bus if you have tickets. If not, you will be requested to buy single or return tickets from them (cash only). You will show to the driver the tickets again upon boarding and hand them to employees upon getting off.
・Payment can also be done with Suica, Toica or Luluca pre-paid cards. In that case apply you card on the pre-paid card machine upon boarding and again upon getting off.
・Some buses might not be equipped with pre-paid cards machines (Tour buses used when big crowds board the buses) and you may be asked to board the next bus.
・If you have a proper free pass just show it to the driver upon boarding and getting off.
・When boarding the buses back to Shizuoka Station or Shimizu Station make sure you wait in the right queue. The buses will stop in front of stations.